Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I'm straggling along, but making progress. Should have the last four prelim spreads up this weekend.

Second Color Iteration - Page One

The first version felt a bit too green to me, so I revised it. (Note: the transparent black border denotes the trim area.)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Revised opening splash page for Digger Jones.

(For proper comedic effect, please read the narration in your best James Mason or Sean Connery impression!)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Pinup and then off to bed...

Since I have the attention span and focus of a gnat, this lovely little distraction popped into my head while I was trying to buckle down. Just a quickie of Yaga, pinup style.

Anyone else have major ADD?

Page 5 Ink

Here's one of my inked pages. After doing multiple variations with how to ink it, I for whatever reason settled on something minimalistic and analog (strangely enough). I am adding in a layer of shading "manga style" for the different gradations, but here's the base anyway.

On this page, Vassa and her brother Michail are trying to escape the burning apartment building when Vassa falls through the floor. Yaga (who has been observing the whole thing) is very pleased with the bad turn of events.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Page One Pencils

Six pages of pencils, check. Here's page one with my main character running to the point of exhaustion.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Going for a look a little different that the John Solo project. (just to see what happens.)
Here is a inking/digital zip-a-tone test panel. Got a pipeline process now in play with my Pshop build files.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sketchbook drills prep for some of the pages.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Character Concept

Here is a character design for one of the antagonists. Chief of the "TigerMen of the BalliBalli Jungle!"