Okay, I'm bringing up the rear as we close in on our final deliverable. Here's a sample of my “pencils” (actually they're a mix of ink and a motley patchwork of tracing paper and scotch tape). I love the hands-on feel of “Frankensteining” the composition in analog. Right now I’m moving into the inking phase. That actually goes fast for me. I scan these sample pages in, convert them to light bluelines, output them on Clearprint vellum, then ink directly on them. Then I'll rescan them RGB and blast out the bluelines in P-shop (Image>Adjustments>Hue/Saturation: Activate the blue and cyan channels and crank the Lightness slider to 100) and I'm ready to flat and paint. Colorizing will happen in bulk (and earnest) this week. I'm pretty excited about the story, though. It ended up being 18 pages. Phew!
Fantastic work, and thanks for the quick low down on your process!
ReplyDeleteCool stuff. Like the analog and digital combo process!
ReplyDeleteThanks, gents.
ReplyDeleteAw. I love your art style, Mario. I can't wait to see the finished product in all of its glory.